Hello readers. Just want to introduce myself as one of the newest bloggers for thegoonery.com. I hope I'm goon enough for you filthy animals. You can follow me on twitter @nicknack3030. One of you lucky followers will by my 20'th.

If you do I will do my best not to disappoint. I plan on having a lot of fun. Please by no means should you take me too seriously or your feelings will be hurt. I enjoy watching all sports but my favorites include hockey and of course the Johnsonville Cornhole Championships. I'm a Chicago guy but God willing will not be living in Illinois forever.
I'm currently a hamster parent along with my girlfriend (sorry ladies, I know it was a burning question after you creeped on my twitter) and future stepson. The only noods I will be viewing will be of the pho and ramen variety.

If anyone would like to discuss music we could be busy for a few hours. Going to see live music is my shit and I am usually up to see all genres except for that pussy ass opera bullshit. In fact putting my junk in a meat processor is more appealing to me. I'm not going to name drop but there is a band in the "jam" category that I make a point to see whenever I can.

All that being said, I have some interesting stuff on deck for all of you readers. As we get closer to having a hockey team in Seattle I will post some updates as far as the team name as well as some possible players that could be making Seattle home in the coming months. If I make it out to any concerts I'll let you all know what I thought. I'm also hoping to give some film/ television show reviews to keep y'all interested. I will also be taking part in some podcasts which will be available on thegoonery.com so you can put a voice to the keystrokes.
That being said. I hope you all enjoy the content I will be bringing. Feel free to jump on twitter and say hello. I look forward to some great interactions with all of you.
This is me signing out
Peace bitches
